What Is A Hybrid Car And How Does It Function?

What Is A Hybrid Car And How Does It Function?

What Is Hybrid Car
January 16, 2025

What Is A Hybrid Car And How Does It Function?

If you are reading this in 2025, by now, you are already aware of how, in many ways, we are harming our climate and making sure of a poor future for our young ones. The answer to this worry lies in knowing what is a hybrid car. But before we take a look at it, let’s get some facts right!

From factories to even our regular commute to work, we are responsible for more than one way of introducing adverse effects to the climate.

Speaking of commuting, did you know almost 21% of Australia’s total emissions are from cars driven throughout the country?

Such staggering numbers also create a huge demand for necessary changes when it comes to the commute. Before you know how a hybrid car can introduce regulation to such issues, let us understand what is a hybrid car in the first place and learn about its function.

What Is A Hybrid Car?

What Is Hybrid Car

Before we learn about how does a hybrid car work, let us take a look at what it is. If we look at it in a simple way, a hybrid car uses more than one means of energy, combining a diesel or petrol engine with an electric motor. The two systems work together to move the car.

This pretty much enables the car to burn less gasoline, obtaining improved fuel efficiency than a conventional engine that only uses fuel.

Electric power boosts the engine’s performance. Hybrids, except for plug-in hybrids, change the battery via the internal system. Therefore, it does not need recharging. The plug-in hybrids are a halfway house between the conventional cars and all-electric vehicles.

Types Of Hybrid Cars

Let us have a look at the different kinds of a hybrid vehicle:

1. Parallel hybrids

It is the most common kind of hybrid. The parallel hybrid works as described in the definition. The car wheels are powered by electricity, by petrol or by both working together.

2. Range extender hybrids

These kinds of hybrid vehicles only use the traditional engine to make electricity that recharges the electric batteries. The engine never drives the car, and these modules can usually drive more on an electric motor than the parallel hybrids.

3. Plug in hybrid

Plug In Hybrid

Such hybrids can be plugged into an electric outlet to charge the batteries, and they are basically a halfway point between full electric vehicles and conventional hybrids.

4. Series Hybrid

In the case of the Series hybrid car in Australia, things might be a little different. Here, the combustion engine’s only task is to produce electricity to power the generator. After that, this generator will do its job and recharge the battery while the electric motor works to keep the car moving forward. The engines are excellent in terms of maintenance since they do not need frequent auto repair services.

5. Mild hybrids

It is another notable innovation in modern care and auto care services, where the electric motor does not power the vehicle directly. Rather than that, it assists the combustion engine with extra power for better performance. It also assists in increasing the fuel efficiency of the car and decreases carbon emissions without frequent Perth car service.

How Does A Hybrid Car Work?

Let us have a look at how a hybrid electric vehicle works. These cars save fuel initially by enhancing a gas engine’s efficiency under acceleration when coasting, idling, and decelerating. Due to the car having a secondary power source, a hybrid might be equipped with a less powerful and more efficient gas engine than a traditional car.

These engines generally operate on the Atkinson cycle, which decreases the energy losses involved with pumping air into the engine at the expense of torque and power.

Under acceleration, the electric motor pretty much compensates for the decreased performance of the engine. And it does this by offering supplemental torque.

The regenerative braking is a hybrid’s second fuel-saving trick. In a normal gas-powered car, as you begin to slow down, any energy used to bring the car to a stop is turned into heat and gets wasted.

On hybrid cars Australia, an electric motor acts as a generator as the car decelerates, turning the energy of the car in motion into electricity and storing it in the battery for later use.

Hybrids can also shut off the gas engine while coasting or stop at traffic lights to save fuel. Many nonhybrid gas-powered cars are equipped with identical auto stop/start technology, but they generally shut the engine down for shorter periods of time.

How Do Hybrids Cars Benefit You?

Let us now take a look at the benefits of hybrid cars Australia:

1. Reusing of the energy

The primary benefit of any hybrid is to capture and reuse the braking energy that would otherwise be lost as heat and wear within the brakes. One interesting factor is that many people use this recovered energy to save fuel and increase MPG by using an electric motor to delay the beginning of the gas engine. However, sports-minded hybrids enhance overall power and speed by deploying the harvested energy.

2. Reducing the carbon footprint

The best hybrid cars Australia are a great choice if you are looking to decrease the costs and reduce the carbon footprint. After all, high MPG and low carbon emissions are two sides of the same coin. A hybrid car is a purely gasoline-fueled car that does not have any special fueling needs.

3. A strong focus on the regenerative brakes

This focus on electric hybrid cars means that the brake pads and the rotors will last way longer than those of normal vehicles. They also do not have a separate starter motor since the electric motor tackles that. A hybrid car’s small battery does not take up much space or needs expensive battery chemistry.

4. Self-charging

Another excellent thing about hybrid cars is the performance of the system’s regenerative brakes. These brakes enable the cars to change their batteries themselves, assisting you in saving more electricity and fuel without the help of a mechanic.

5. The performance of hybrid cars

The key to a hybrid vehicle is that the gasoline engine can be much smaller than the one in a traditional car. Therefore, it is way more efficient. The majority of cars need a relatively big engine to produce sufficient power to accelerate the vehicle quickly.

However, efficiency can be enhanced in a small engine by using lighter and smaller parts, decreasing the number of cylinders, and operating the engine closer to the maximum load.

Wrapping Up

The way of transportation is changing, and so is the car engine service in present days. As the world is becoming more cautious about the climate and environment, it will be a matter of time before the hybrid vehicles Australia remains to be the only choice.

Hybrid cars are more fuel-efficient and offer a smooth transition from combustion to cleaner transportation. Make sure you are mindful of the information you learned, and implement this when you switch your commute modes and say YES to hybrid cars.

Also Read: Electric VS Hybrid Cars: Which One Is Best For You?


1. What are the benefits of hybrid cars?

From carbon footprint reduction to a strong focus on regenerative brakes, hybrid cars have many benefits.

2. What are the different kinds of hybrid cars out there?

From Range extender hybrids to series hybrids, there are 5 different kinds of hybrid cars out there, along with Mild, Plug-in, and Parallel hybrids.

3. Can hybrid cars reduce carbon emissions?

Yes, Hybrid cars are the answer to reducing carbon footprint.